is there a supernaturaldimension? a world beyond the one we know? is there life after death? do angels exist? can our dreams contain messagesfrom heaven? can we tap into ancient secretsof the supernatural? are healing miracles real? sid roth has spent over 35 yearsresearching the strange world of the supernatural.
join sid for this edition ofit's supernatural! sid: welcome, welcome to myworld where it's naturally supernatural. my next guest had incurable"schizophrenia". he was touched by the power ofgod, set free and then became an administrator in the institutionhe was hospitalized in, 50 employees under him. now i asked my personal doctor,dr. dietry , last night a question on the phone.
"he went off all medicine, allmedication, doctor. to your knowledge, what happensto a schizophrenic that takes no medicine?" doctor: that's a good question. it's an unbelievable phenomenon,schizophrenia. when you come off medication,provided the medication was helping in the first place, youget an extra .... a spike of hallucinations,ideations and delusions. it's not a very pretty sight.
sid: have you ever heard ofsomeone that's diagnosed with schizophrenia? oh, i forgot one more thing. in a few years, he was supposedto be catatonic. that was the diagnosis. a thousand pages of diagnosis,doctor. have you ever heard of such athing? doctor: personally, i have neverseen anybody come off of medication and be normal.
sid: well but i have to tellyou, doctor, he is not normal according to the world. he is normal according to theword of god. [applause] so nick griemsmann was raised ina secular home. his father left at age, when hewas age eight. he got addicted to pornographyat 10. at 21, he was a full-blownalcoholic and he was a bartender.
but at age 23, you know, we takea lot of things for granted, at age 23, he's an alcoholic, he'sa drug addict, he's a mess. i'm just saying it, nick. and he gets a little tract aboutthe messiah, and he calls the person on the phone, becausethere was a phone number on this tract. and what happened? nick: the woman on the phone,she was really nice, and she asked me a question, she saidsomething about, "are you, have
you received jesus?" and i asked her, "what does thatactually mean because so many people tell me different thingsabout christianity and i was studying different religionslike islam and judaism, different sects in christianity,and things like that. and so, "what does it reallymean to receive jesus?" and she said, "it's easy. the bible says you can confessjesus as lord and he will come into your life."
and so i said this simple prayerand he came into my heart, and totally changed me. sid: what happened to your drugaddiction, your alcoholism? nick: when i said this prayer,it was so incredible. i still remember it like it wasyesterday. i was on the phone with her andi prayed this simple prayer of faith. i had just faith in god at thetime. i said the name of jesus.
and the moment i said the nameof jesus this liquid love came upon me, and for the first time,i knew i was completely free from all my sin, alcoholism,drugs. i had a sexuality immorality iwas into, you know the lifestyle of a bartender, and godcompletely set me free from that. sid: you know, only god could dosomething like that. but then right behind the devilcame up to him when that seed was planted, immediately, hecame up to him because nick now
wants to live for god. and he goes on the internet andhe finds out there's a place where the guy says he's one ofthe end time prophets and they'll give him food, they'llgive him shelter, they'll train him. it sounded pretty good. nick: absolutely. i was trying to find a goodchurch and i found this online. and i thought, wow, i can leaveall my old friends and leave my
family, and all the troubles iused to have, and i can serve jesus with my whole heart,because i really loved god. sid: but it turned out to be acult. the first crack that you saw inthis cult was two of the senior members having a disagreement. nick: yeah. one thing that the cult wouldpreach, that they were sinless. they would say that they neversin or anything like that. and i was there and the men, onenight they started arguing over
something and they were likealmost like throwing blows at each other and swearing. and i thought, they're preachingthat they're sinless, but it doesn't look like their sinless. and my heart started going, wellmaybe this really, maybe what they're telling me isn't all thetruth. sid: but you were so scaredbecause they had this, was it a cassette that you would have tolisten to. and what was the warning it gaveyou?
nick: in the cassettes, theprophet, the false prophet, he would say that if we left thechurch, because they said that they are the one true church, ifwe left the church it meant that we lost our salvation, blastingthe holy spirit. so as you know, if you're ayoung person in god and you don't really know anything, ibelieved it and i was very afraid that if i left or talkedto my family, they said my family was of the devil, icouldn't talk to them. and they said that i would go tohell if i did anything wrong or
if i left the church, or saidanything about the person in charge there. sid: but he had such a heart forgod. he was crying out and cryingout. and one day, he takes off. he ends up in the nashvilleairport. what happened, nick? nick: well i entered thenashville airport and at this time, i started hearing voicesin my mind.
before i left the cult, iactually started getting voices in my mind and i thought theywere angels, and i thought god was speaking directly to mymind. and so i would listen to thesevoices. and i was, they would say thingsand they'd say bad things. and when i was in the nashvilleairport i was going to go to a phone to call my family to pickme up. and the voices came to me andsaid, "you need to go and you need to make a scene and yell,and scream, and praise god in
the middle of the baggage claimarea in nashville airport." but i really loved god and ithought god...sid: so you were willing to do anything for god. i wish, even though it was thewrong voice, i wish more christians would be willing todo whatever god said. so they picked him up obviously. he's diagnosed schizophrenic. he's told in a few years he'llbe in a catatonic state. he goes home to be with hisfamily and his mother insists he
go to a little assembly of godchurch and we'll be right back. we'll be right back to it's supernatural! we now return to it's supernatural! sid: so my guest, nickgriemsmann, had incurable schizophrenia. nick, what is like to haveschizophrenia? nick: sid, if you could imagine,if you take a vice, a metal vice with spikes in it, and if youtake this vice and you put it on your head like a helmet and thenyou start screaming in your head
evil profane things, blaspheminggod, you know, different things like that, the blasphemy, theyelling in the head to kill yourself, that there's no hope,and this cap would be on your head, and they tell you that itwill never leave. sid: so you go to this assemblyof god church, you go up to the altar and someone begins to prayfor you. what happened? nick: a nice man and his wife,they were praying over me and this spiritual force, i felt it,it lifted out of my head that
night. it just lifted out of my headand at that moment i knew, i knew... sid: what did youactually know? when this spiritual forcelifted, what were, did you know? nick: well i knew two things. one, that i was completelyhealed of schizophrenia at that moment. but two, i knew that there wassome sort of evil nest of some type of spiritual force thatsome of it actually left, and i
had hoped that i could pursuejesus to receive my complete deliverance. sid: so that your first hopeafter all the stuff you went through. okay. so you, step by step, the holyspirit directed you to do different things. i'm going to take you to yourparents' swimming pool. what, tell me what the holyspirit was teaching you and what
you were doing? nick: i would put on worshipmusic and i'd walk around the swimming pool outside and iworshiped the lord, and i'd start commanding the demons tocome out of my mind and stop causing torment. i used the word of god and myfaith, and i started commanding satan to leave me in the mightyname of jesus christ. i did this in one day. i was doing it for over an hour.
and i just knew that eventuallysomething else was going to come out like it did that night atthe church. and this day, i was workingaround the pool, worshiping god and commanding satan to come outand this spiritual force from my stomach, it came up and it wentuhhh, and it manifested this thing and it went out of myhead. and i fell on the ground and istarted weeping. i was weeping with joy. i was so thankful because i knewi didn't need other people to
pray for me to be delivered. i could actually do it myself. sid: this was likeself-deliverance. now you have over a thousandpages of diagnosis of incurable you also have something thatit's referred to as a decertification certificate. in other words, he can't get anymore welfare. he's not insane. but what is insane to me is he'snow an administrator for that
institution. now how many people did you haveworking for you? nick: i had 40 to 50 working forme. sid: can you imagine that? forty to 50 people with thatsame institution. i'll tell you, doctor, that'scool. and you're taking eight to 10meds. were you off of that completely? nick: not instantly.
so what happened to me, i didn'tinstantly have a miracle like completely free fromschizophrenia. the lord took me through aprocess, which i noticed in the ministry that now that he doesthat a lot for people to teach them about his spirit and how todo spiritual warfare. so i went through a process andthrough that process with my doctor's help and my casemanagers, and my family, i decided to try to wean off themedications. i did it very slowly.
i don't recommend to get offmedications instantly. i went very slowly with mydoctor's help. and eventually with, right aboutthree or four months, i was completely off all themedications. sid: now you had a few doctorstalk to you, especially your administrator now for thisorganization connected with the hospital. what did these doctors thinkwhen they saw your records? nick: the doctors, they can'treally explain it.
sid: i'm sure not. nick: it's a great opportunityto witness god's love to people. i might not necessarily get topreach at people or anything like that in a work environment. but i could witness to themthat, you know, my faith helped me. sid: and you know what's soexciting about what happened to nick? he says, this self-deliveranceworks for all sorts of problems,
physical sickness, fear,emotional problems, addictions of all kind: pornography,alcoholism, drugs. it's wonderful. jesus wants you free. he wants you free. he has a hope for you. he has a future for you. we'll deal with that when wecome back. don't go away.
we'll be right back toit's supernatural! sid: now there's a question thata lot of christians are wondering. can a christian have a demon? what do you say, nick? nick: yes. sid: that's short. you're a man of few words. sid: but explain please.
nick: okay. first, i want to explain thatyou're not a bad person if you're dealing with an evilspirit. our enemy is the devil. it's taught in the new testamentthat we should cast out demons. jesus went into the temple,which is a type of, the new testament believer.. sid: thetemple. nick: yes, the temple of theliving god. and see, the temple had the holyof holies where the holy spirit
dwelled, where no man could getin without the blood of the lamb. and then we have the inner courtand the outer court. jesus cast thieves, themoneychangers and the thieves. the thieves could berepresenting evil spirits out of let's say the outer court andthe inner court. and so it's my belief that thatthe bible teaches that there's a spirit, soul and body, and thatour spirit man is sealed with the holy spirit once we receivejesus christ.
and our flesh, it needs to berenewed with our mind. so our flesh could have stuffinside causing things that aren't of the kingdom of god. sid: now you talk, you know whati'm thinking about. have you ever read the newtestament about a spirit of infirmity? have you ever been sick? you now are no longer with thatinstitution. you help people full time allover the world.
what about someone that isphysically sick? could that be a demon? nick: i run into a lot of timeswith people who have been praying for healing for manyyears. they go to the pastors, they goto evangelists and they come up front, and they want healing. they really want it bad. but they just want healing andthey don't maybe possibly they've never heard ofdeliverance or they don't
believe in deliverance. sid: you know, at least a thirdof jesus' ministry was casting out spirits from people. the evil spirits actually causeall sorts of things that people think are just medicalconditions like i've seen people healed of ms. i've seen peoplehealed of.. sid: there was a spirit behind it? nick: yes. a spirit of cancer, i've seen itcome out of a woman. she said that it came out of herbreast.
a spirit came out of her breast. also i've seen people healed ofstage 4 liver cancer or actually, i'm sorry, bladdercancer, i've seen that. it was actually spirits. sid: i don't have time to ask mydoctor friend this, but i don't think too many people with stage4 bladder cancer get healed and all they have to do is do whatthe book says: believe it and do it. the book is the truth book,otherwise known as the bible.
nick: paul told us if we soakedthe flesh, of the flesh we're going reap corruption. and so what happens is that we,sometimes we have a sinful life in our past and we get, wereceive jesus into our hearts and then we don't learn aboutdeliverance, and bring those, let's say corrupt type things inthe flesh, the curses from the law or from living in sin intoour christian life. and then we have to deal withthese evil spirits later on causing disease and sickness,arthritis, cancer, all sorts of
things. sid: now what i love about you,nick, is this is not your emphasis in your life. his emphasis is intimacy withgod, loving god. tell me how you developed suchintimacy with god. nick: well when i was goingthrough my healing of schizophrenia, i would, istarted praying. i prayed about a couple ofminutes at night then i'd pray about 30 minutes a night, andthen i decided to look at the
word where it said, "if you seekgod you will find him when you seek him with your whole heart." and he's a great rewarder ofthose who diligently seek him. so i prayed to god and i said,"this is your word and i'm standing on it and i'm going toseek you until the day i meet you either in my room or ineternity." sid: give me an example,actually pray that right now. just pray what you just said. nick: lord jesus, your wordstates that if i seek you with
my whole heart, if i actuallypray and seek you, your face, and i repent for my sins, i canactually meet you and see you, and you will come through forme. sid: and you hear god's voicenow. what's it like to have intimacywith god? describe what it's like. i know that's hard, nick. but, i like to ask hardquestions. nick: i did every single drugyou could name: ecstasy,
cocaine, marijuana. i went to every party you couldthink of. i was a nightclub bartender. i did everything i could toescape from the pain of the world. the day i met the holy spirit, inever could ever imagine why anybody would ever want to dodrugs or ever want to drink, because the holy spirit's loveis better than all of it. sid: pray the holy spirit'slove, but the holy spirit's love
on people that are watchingright now. i have, i would like you to dolike a heart sign, like a prophetic sign with your hands. i believe the lord wants you todo this. just as an act of faith, justthis little heart sign. it's simple. just as an act of faith, showinggod that you really want his love, because he loves you. see the heart.
in the mighty name of jesus,father god, i pray that the person or the people that areseeing this heart, that they would raise their hands up withthis heart and agree with me that you will appear to them. you will show them your deeplove that you will heal them of everything that afflicts them,that you will deliver them and their family members, andprosper them. lord, i pray for each individualthat you would send a dart of your love into their heart inthe mighty name of jesus christ,
the risen king. amen. sid: amen. i'm going to tell you something. if there's someone watchingright now and you say, i've gone too far, there's no hope for me,answer them in one minute. nick: jesus christ is standingnext to you right now. all you have to do is just openyour heart to him. if you doubt the word of god, ifyou doubt that jesus christ is
really real, you just pray togod and you ask him about jesus. god is a god that answersprayers. listen. he is the one that answersprayers and he knows what you're going through. god is a god of hope and a godof love, not a god of religion, not a god of judgementalism, buta god of love and of peace. reach out. sid: say, jesus, i make you mylord.
say it out loud wherever you areright now. i believe you died for my sins. i ask you to take over my life,be lord of my life, fill me with your holy spirit and power. if you can do that for nick, saythat out loud, if you can do that for nick, you can dowhatever i need for me, in jesus' name. sid: next week onit's supernatural! i can't wait for you to hearwhat is in my opinion the most
important thing that willdistinguish the false church from the real church in the lastdays, and i'll give you a clue in one word: israel.