Tuesday, February 14, 2017

natural treatment for the disease impetigo disease



[this tape was transferred from a 16mm filmoriginal by colorlab for the national library of medicine, june 2006, nlm call number hf1680 parts 1, 2, and 3.] [restricted film to be shown to authorizedpersonnel only.] [united states navy training film.] [produced under the supervision of the bureauof aeronautics for the bureau of medicine and surgery by audio productions, inc.] [personal hygiene for women, part 1.] raise your right hands and repeat after me. i, i, do solemnly swear, do solemnly swear,that i will bear true faith and allegiance,

that i will bear true faith and allegiance. that all statements made by me, that all statementsmade by me, that is now given in this record, that is now given in this record, are correct,are correct. you are now in the navy. to this post of duty you have come from everywalk of life. you have left important jobs, and you havegiven up other opportunities. in your previous experience you representthe best examples of american womanhood. physically fit, resourceful, alert, intelligentand morally dependable. you are the american woman.

because you want to live in the forefrontof your times, in ideals and in sacrifice, you have elected this as your chance to serve. and you've chosen a woman-sized job. the purpose of your basic training is notto lessen your individuality, nor to change the particular character of your talents. it is, rather, to provide you with self confidenceand habits of living that will raise your talents to the highest peak of efficiency. you, the modern woman, are well equipped toset a high standard of voluntary performance. you have a background of resourcefulness andstamina derived from the democratic culture

of your age. you have the skills which can be adapted toyour new responsibilities. now you will need to raise your standardsof physical health to perfection. and to keep yourself in the best possiblecondition to perform any duty you may be given. you will need to keep an eye open for anysign that your efficiency is low, and to seek medical advice whenever you suspect that youmight not be quite all on the job. i find nothing wrong physically, but i dothink you're suffering from fatigue. been working hard? well yes sir, you see i wanted ... i know,we all have a big job to do.

but you worked hard during your basic trainingtoo, didn't you? you may have felt tired but you weren't rundown,that's because you followed the regular routine. you had a good diet which included plentyof energy-giving foods, and lots of fresh vegetables and milk to supply all the proteinsand vitamins you need. you got regular hours of sleep, and plentyof exercise, didn't you? i had to - regulations, you know. yes, but the purpose of those regulationswas to set up habits that would keep you in top notch physical condition all the time. if you break those habits, you're going tofall down on the job.

now i'm going to give you a prescription. and this is the prescription the medical officergave her: [efficiency] a balanced diet, a normal regular amount of sleep, daily exerciseand relaxation. these are all regular needs which can neverbe made up if they are lost. to maintain top notch working efficiency,the right balance must be kept. neglecting any one of these props to efficiencyis a sure way to physical and mental fatigue. fatigue and faulty posture go hand and hand.let's see why. here in simple diagram is the body skeletonand some of the muscles which hold it erect. correct posture is correct because it is natural,easy, and involves no strain on the muscles.

a plum line dropped from the ear should passthrough the shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle joints. in incorrect posture, the muscles are understrain and have to work much harder to hold the body erect. a line through the same joints is no longerstraight. your internal organs are fitted into closebut adequate space. incorrect posture forces them into unnaturalpositions so that it is hard for them to do their work. you will feel better, and look better too,if you watch your posture.

check it often and remember to stand tall,walk tall, be conscious of it, it will be natural in a short time. sit tall, you'll feel and work better. you are proud of the fact that you are healthierand stronger than the women of twenty five years ago, and your clothes are styled foraction. your uniform is more practical than the onesthe yeomanettes had in the last war. you can be glad of that, and you can be gladthat you don't have to wear this armor plate. pouring the body into this unnatural shapecongests the internal organs and makes it difficult to even to stand naturally.

we know today that girdles and corsets aresupposed to support and protect the figure. many women don't really need them. but if you do wear a girdle it must be rightfor you. you should not tolerate a girdle that fitsimproperly any more than you would wear old fashioned clothing. too much tightness or downward pressure ofweight constricts the abdominal organs and interferes with their normal activity. if a brassiere is required it should not compressthe breasts or push them downward. for those who really need them, well fittinggirdles and brassieres will support the figure

and relieve fatigue. the correctly fitted girdle lifts the abdomenand helps to flatten the back. another special reason for fatigue is a poorlyfitted shoe. nature has provided you with cleverly constructedflexible arches formed by the bones and joints which constitute the framework of the humanfoot. every time the foot is brought down, thisframework absorbs the shock of contact with the ground and supports your weight. but an incorrectly fitted shoe will nullifyall nature's good intentions. a shoe which is too small compresses the footand prevents natural action. it will in time

deform the foot. if shoes are fitted properly, the inside edgewill be straight. there will be about half the breadth of thethumb between the tip of the great toe and the end of the shoe, and plenty of width. the shoe should not be so wide that the archesspread or that rubbing causes blisters. the ball of the foot should rest upon theseat which is the widest part of the shoe. the leather of which your shoe is made shouldbe soft and pliable, yet the shoe itself should be reasonably heavy and should have a weltsole to give the foot protection. a shoe with a lining and a strong shank isthe most comfortable for drill.

selecting a shoe which is not functional ishardly less than bad taste. but you can rely on the smartness of an oxfordlike this for ordinary wear. it supports the foot, and has heels whichare appropriate to any activity except long marches, hiking, or extensive field duty. for these purposes you need a shoe which hasa lower heel with a broader base. badly fitting stockings can cause almost asmuch discomfort as badly fitting shoes. they ought to be about a half inch longerthan the foot to prevent binding. and a badly mended stocking like this willsoon produce a blister. stockings should be mended carefully witha soft mending thread so that they will not

cause blisters. this expert method of weaving and interweavingwill give you a flat even surface which will not irritate the skin. since your feet support your body all daylong they deserve special attention. here is a simple exercise to strengthen themif they are weak. flex the toes as if you are picking up a marble,then in the same motion turn the toes upward as if to show the marble to someone. this is an easy exercise which should be repeatedoften. if your feet are tender and tired from unaccustomedmarching, toughen them up by soaking them

in cold water to which salt has been added. be careful to dry thoroughly between the toes. powder is helpful, and it should be used inthe morning as well as after bathing. you are less likely to get athlete's footif the skin is dry. athlete's foot is an annoying and uncomfortabledisease. it appears first as patches of white skinbetween the toes. in advanced stages the skin itches and becomespainful. if you get it, report for medical treatmentand be careful not to give it to others. since the fungus which causes athlete's footlives in the moistness of showers, pools,

and bathrooms, it is always wise to walk throughthe chemical solution which is provided in most places to kill the organisms, and towear slippers in these places. corns and calluses are caused by badly fittingshoes. to relieve the pain and discomfort causedby them, soak the feet in soapy water until the skin is soft. then file the corn with an emery board ifpossible. cutting or tearing them out is dangerous andmay result in infection. a moleskin adhesive dressing or a bit of lambswool or even wool yarn if the corn is between the toes will help to relieve the pressureand the pain.

the only way to prevent corns and callusesis to wear properly fitted shoes. choice of shoes, girdles, all articles ofclothing is only part of the talent for good grooming to which every wave aspires. here is where patience and resourcefulnesscount, for good grooming is not guaranteed by the fact that you happen to possess a smartlytailored uniform. it demands constant attention to little details,sending your uniforms to the cleaners often, or sponging and pressing them regularly yourself. it means shining your shoes every day, keepingyour underclothes clean even if laundering facilities are limited.

and by no means least, good grooming callsfor strict attention to bodily cleanliness. during your daily bath you will need to washevery part of your body thoroughly. the superstition which still crops up occasionallyin spite of modern education and cleanliness, that intimate parts of the body should neverbe touched, even in washing, is as ridiculous as it is old fashioned. soap and water are needed all over the body. ordinary soap and water cleanliness will alsoget rid of normal body odors, though you may want to use a mild underarm deodorant to neutralizeperspiration odors. be careful to use only one which is non-irritatingto your skin.

there are however artificial odors which arisefrom disorders in the mouth or vagina and which, though unnoticeable to you, may bevery unpleasant to others. don't hesitate to ask your friends if yoususpect such a condition. if they are really kind, they will tell you,just as you should tell them, so that you can have the condition checked by your medicalofficer. simple medical treatment will often cure evena deep seated condition of this sort. then you will want to take good care of yourcomplexion. a healthy skin is acquired through the ordinaryroutine of diet, sleep, and exercise, and is easily preserved by the use of plenty ofsoap and water.

a little cold cream or mineral oil at nightis a good habit. care in applying your cosmetics only to aclean skin with a clean powder puff is another. these simple methods will keep your face asfresh and attractive as the most elaborate beauty treatments. a stiff nail brush, soap and water, a cuticlestick to clean around and under the nails, and plenty of vigorous scrubbing will keepyour hands soft. it will also keep the cuticle pliable so thatit can be pushed back with a towel. a little cold cream or mineral oil at nightnow and then and regular attention to filing your nails will keep your hands attractiveeven if you should go for months without a

professional manicure. daily vigorous brushing with a brush thathas long stiff bristles will add life and luster to your hair. and here are some hints about giving yourselfthat shampoo you will need every week or two depending upon the oiliness of your hair andthe conditions in which you live. if your hair and scalp are dry use a smallamount of oil the night before you wash it. too much oil however will make the hair greasyand will be difficult to remove. any excess should be rubbed off with a towel. there are several commercial preparationson the market known as wetting agents which

are frequently more efficient than soap. if soap is used don't rub it directly on thehair. make it into a solution. work the lather well into your hair, rubbingthe scalp with your fingertips and rinse it thoroughly until your hair squeaks when yourub your hands over it. wash your hair several times before the finalrinsing. don't forget that you are responsible forleaving the wash bowl and the shower drain clean and ready for the next person who wantsto use it. a shower, if available, is the best methodfor rinsing your hair. at any rate, be sure you have removed allthe soap.

remove as much water as you can with a towel,and while your hair is drying is a good time to clean your comb and brush. a little ammonia added to plain water is agood cleaning agent. follow this with soap and water. keep your comb and brush clean and allow noone else to use them. if you are clever at such things, combingthe hair when it is partially dry and setting it will produce much the same effect as thehairdresser's finger waves. remember that clean hair will help protectyou against unsightly skin and scalp infections. there are a number of different skin disorderswhich produce rashes.

dandruff may be accompanied by an extensiveone; some come from an allergy; some may result partly from a poor diet and lack of exercise. the oily skin is characteristic of acne. some, such as impetigo, may be contractedby exchanging toilet articles, and some may be caused by syphilis. all of these skin disorders, no matter whatthe cause, call for medical attention. it is possible that under difficult conditionswhich arise in wartime, you may come into contact with some form of lice. rather than being horrified, an intelligentwoman will seek medical advice in such a situation.

if such advice is not available, you mightemploy an old remedy to get rid of lice on the head. wet the hair thoroughly with equal parts ofkerosene and vinegar. cover the hair with a towel for a half hour. then wash with warm water and soap, or a wettingagent. this process should be repeated after 8 days[eight days later], and again after 8 more days have elapsed [and again eight days later],so that all lice hatching from remaining eggs will be killed. there are other kinds of lice which are acquiredfrom close association with persons who are

infested. these are called body lice. some are verydangerous because they may carry typhus or other fevers. crab lice may be caught from toilet seatsor from intimate contact with the body of a person who has them. if you find them in the hair on any part ofthe body, medical attention should be sought. some of these instructions for good groomingmay be old stuff to you, but they bear repeating because they are essential to cleanliness- and cleanliness is the basis of all good looks.

no woman who really cares about her appearanceor her health will neglect the matter of internal cleanliness which begins with the mouth. we hardly need to be told to brush our teethat least twice a day, but a few hints about proper methods maybe helpful. your toothbrush should have bristles of differentlengths which are set in tufts rather widely spaced. it should be kept clean and dry. in fact usingtwo toothbrushes ultimately is a good idea. the best way to keep your teeth clean is tobrush them with an up and down motion. this motion also massages the gums.

additional massaging of your gums in thismanner will help to avoid pyorrhea. rinse thoroughly after brushing. since it impossible to clean between yourteeth with a toothbrush, dental floss should be used frequently. the purpose of visiting the dentist at leasttwice a year is to check and control decay, prevent tartar from collecting, and make surethe teeth and gums are healthy. constipation is a rather common condition,but the cathartic habit or the enema habit, in fact even the fear of constipation, frequentlyhas worse results than constipation itself. let the medical officer advise laxatives ifthey are really needed.

first you ought to have regular time for goingto the toilet. in group living such as yours, it may be difficult. but try to choose a time when you won't haveto hurry to make way for others, when you can relax for a few minutes. by the way, do you drink much water? not verymuch i'm afraid. well drinking lots of water is important.and be sure you eat a balanced diet with plenty of leafy vegetables and whole grain cereals. then, remember that the regularity with whichyour bowels function depends on your general body tone.

sleep and exercise are important. do i have to have a bowel movement every day? not necessarily, though most people normallydo. the interval between movements may vary considerablyfrom person to person, but if the movements take place regularly and you feel well, itdoesn't matter. constipation, if chronic, may cause a commondisorder known as piles or hemorrhoids. the intestines empty their contents into therectum which act as a reservoir. the rectum is well supplied with blood vessels. here on a diagrammatic section through therectum we can see how hemorrhoids occur.

repeated straining and emptying the bowelforces the blood vessels at the anus and sometimes part of the intestine itself down from theirnormal place until they protrude. they are usually quite sore and often bleed. preventing constipation helps to avoid them,but if present, hemorrhoids should always receive prompt medical attention. as a part of your physical examination, themedical officer checks the condition of the pelvic cavity where the organs of reproductionare located. an intelligent woman will realize that thisis just as important as a regular dental examination or a check on her blood pressure.

the reassurance that no structural difficultyor acquired infection can interfere with the normal functioning of the body is conduciveto well being and she will welcome the opportunity which the navy provides to have this examinationmade by a competent medical officer. an intelligent woman will realize also thatit is not enough for the physician to know that her physical condition is good. she too must understand the structure andfunction of all parts of her body. unfortunately however, ignorance about thereproductive system is still widespread. no human process has been the subject of moresuperstition and fear and consequently the cause of more sorrow.

therefore you will want to know the truthabout every part of your own body. a woman's reproductive or sex organs are peculiarlyadaptive to the functions of childbearing. here they are seen if they would appear ifthe body were transparent. the main organs form a series of hollow ortube like passages. the external parts of the reproductive organsconsist essentially of several folds of skin called the labia or lips and known as thevulva. these folds of tissue cover important structures. one is the urethra from which urine is passed. another is the clitoris a small body analogousto the male penis.

here are the openings of two small glandswhich provide a lubricating fluid called mucus. covering more or less the entrance to theinternal organs is a membrane known as the hymen or maidenhead. although the hymen is present in most instances,some girls are born without it. it is often broken during childhood. the superstition that a woman is not a virginunless she has an unbroken hymen is completely inaccurate. for proper orientation let's look at the bodyfrom a front view again. the reproductive organs can be seen in normalposition in the pelvic cavity.

let's split the model and turn it to observea section through the middle of these organs. here we can pick up where we left off on theexternal organs. the hymen as we have said stretches partlyover the entrance to the internal reproductive organs. the first of these is a channel like structurecalled the vagina, which serves as a receptacle for the semen and forms a birth canal. it has a moist lining mucus membrane and itswalls lie in folds which can be easily distended. the cervix is located at the inner end ofthe vagina forming the neck of the uterus or womb.

the uterus is a pear shaped organ which isnormally about two and three quarter inches in length by one and three quarter inchesin width. since its purpose is to shelter a baby duringpregnancy, the uterus is capable of enlarging to many times its original size. in addition to the organs of reproductionwe see in this view the bladder and the rectum. here are the reproductive organs in frontview. at the upper end of the uterus are two tubes,one on each side, called the ova ducts or fallopian tubes. their purpose is to transport the ovum, oregg, from the ovary into the uterus.

there are two ovaries, each one located nearthe end of a tube; and it is in the ovaries that the female reproductive cells, the ova,are formed. when an egg is fully developed, it leavesthe ovary and enters one of the fallopian tubes. this process is called ovulation. the egg is then transported slowly towardthe uterus, so slowly that it travels only a few inches in three or four days. during that time it softens and begins tobe absorbed, unless it has been fertilized by a male sperm on the way. during this regular process, the walls ofthe uterus have been building up to prepare

for the nesting of the possible fertilizedegg. then sometime after ovulation, if fertilizationhas not occurred, menstruation takes place. this is a regular cleaning process. the thickened membrane lining the walls ofthe uterus breaks down and is cast off. this broken tissue, together with the bloodand mucus which accompanies it, forms the substance of the menstrual discharge whichpasses out through the vaginal opening. there is nothing mysterious or strange aboutit. the process is as natural as the peeling and replacement of skin cells. if the egg has been fertilized by a male reproductivecell, or sperm, it implants itself in the

lining of the wall of the uterus where itcontinues to grow and menstruation usually stops. when fertilization does not occur, the processesof menstruation, ovulation, and menstruation, take place in a regular cycle, which recursin most women approximately every twenty eight days. however your schedule of this cycle may varyconsiderably from this one. furthermore, the cycle may be upset by changesin bodily condition, environment, mental stress, or other causes, so that menstruation maybe hastened or delayed. if your menstrual period should be delayedas much as a week you should see the medical

officer immediately to determine the cause. never try to bring on menstruation by anymethod for they are all dangerous. only the medical officer can safely advise you. the most alarming things about menstruationare the old wives tales concerning it. what we need is more frankness and less fear. i've been wanting to ask you sir, why is menstruationoften so painful? menstruation shouldn't be painful. pain usually indicates that something is wrongeither with the position of the reproductive organs or with their functioning.

i have some charts which will explain better. and he explains that there are a number ofcauses of menstrual pain or dysmenorrhea. if the uterus is not in normal position theremay be congestion during menstruation and consequent pain. there may be other anatomical reasons fordysmenorrhea, or the cause may be functional. here for example you can see that part ofthe intestine is near the reproductive organs. normally there is no bad effect, but constipationmay cause pressure on them and make it difficult for them to function naturally. as we have seen earlier, poor posture maycrowd the reproductive organs into unnatural

positions and cause congestion with possibleresultant pain. actually no one can diagnose the real causeof dysmenorrhea without a thorough examination. what can be done about it? that depends on the cause. extreme malpositionmay call for an operation. naturally if the cause is constipation, theremedy lies in its cure. yes, but when you have cramps you want torelieve them quickly. well then, applications of heat, a hot waterbottle for instance, will often help to relax the muscles and relieve the pain, and drugssuch as aspirin will give temporary relief. most of the painkilling drugs sold for thispurpose are dangerous, however, and the habit

of depending on drugs is a bad one. for any severe menstrual pain you should havea medical examination to determine the cause. although it is advisable to keep a recordof the menstrual period, its onset should produce very little change in ones ordinaryroutine. an intelligent woman will not regard herselfas ill. on the contrary, though she may avoid violentexercise, she will find ordinary accustomed forms of exercise good for her, and will takepride in going about her duties with her accustomed enthusiasm. it is especially important to keep yourselfattractive and clean during the menstrual

period since the danger of offensive bodyodors is greater then, than at any other time. regular bathing is not harmful, and is actuallyessential to get rid of additional body odors which are present. it is only necessary to see that the bathis not usually hot or unusually cold. modern hygiene offers two good methods ofsanitary protection: the sanitary pad and the tampon. you are the best judge of their relative valuefor you. if sanitary pads are used, they should bekept clean, and should be adjusted carefully to prevent irritation.

for this reason they should be fastened toa sanitary belt, which has adjustable fasteners. both sanitary pads and underclothing shouldbe changed often and as additional guard against the presence of body odor, it is wise to usea good deodorant powder, of course selecting one which is not strong or irritating. it should also be used on the underclothing. some women prefer the tampon to the sanitarynapkin. the tampon is inserted into the vagina toabsorb the menstrual flow. if you use the tampon be careful to see thatit is placed far enough back into the vagina to be comfortable, but not far enough to causepressure on the cervix.

for those women in whom the vaginal openingis small, or those who flow very heavily, the tampon is not usually satisfactory. some women use both the sanitary pad and atampon during the days of heaviest flow. many women find the vaginal douche a necessaryroutine, but it is wise to have a medical examination and to get instructions from aphysician before using one for the first time. while it is not common practice to use a doucheduring menstruation, it is not harmful. the douching fluid can be plain warm water,or a solution of plain water plus one tablespoon of baking soda, or water plus one half glassof vinegar, depending on your physician's instructions.

strong solutions should be avoided since theyinjure the delicate lining of the vagina. a douche is best taken lying down in the bathtub.since the amount of the pressure depends on the height of the bag and little pressureis needed, place it so that the bottom of the bag hangs about six inches above the levelof the hips. the douche may also be taken sitting on thetoilet. check the height of the bag carefully sinceexcessive pressure if the bag is too high may force the fluid up into the uterus. the nozzle should be gently inserted and thelabia held lightly together with the hand so that the vaginal cavity will be slightlydistended as the water enters and the fluid

can flow freely out of the vagina. since the possibility of strong pressure isgreater, many physicians feel that the bulb or hand type spray should be condemned. others believe that it may be used but onlywith the greatest care. if the hand type spray is used, the bulb shouldbe pressed gently with the thumb and index finger, never with the whole pressure of thehand. equipment for douching should be kept cleanand reserved strictly for your own use. there is great danger of infection if thesearticles are exchanged. we have seen that there are glands aroundthe entrance to the vagina which normally

secrete mucus. the amount of this secretion varies with changesin the menstrual cycle and increases under sexual excitement, but it is usually not noticeablein color, odor or amount. a persistent vaginal discharge which is noticeableon your underclothing is an indication of some disorder which ought to be investigated. only a medical examination of the individualwho has it and of the discharge itself will reveal the cause and the proper treatment. this is a type of vaginal discharge or leucorrhea,which is not too difficult to clear up with medical treatment.

thank you sir, i was so afraid it might becancer. well it's good that you came to see me aboutit early. while cancer is not very common among womenof your age, it is quite dangerous when it does occur. therefore its important to report any unusualsigns, vaginal discharge, lumps in the breast, or any abnormal growth, not because they necessarilyare cancer but to give us a chance to diagnose them, and discover cancer if it is there intime to cure it. you know cancer is curable if the treatmentis started early enough, but you have nothing to worry about.

none of you need worry about your health ifyou rely on your medical officers and remember the rules of personal hygiene. one important purpose of your basic trainingis to make the fundamentals of healthful living so automatic that no physical disability willappear to prevent you from carrying out the important jobs you are here to do. perhaps you will be sent to a naval air stationlike this where thousand of posts of duty await women who are dependable and well trained. perhaps you'll be stationed at a naval base,but where ever you are, you will have a woman sized job.

keeping yourself in the best possible physicalcondition for it need not be difficult if you consider that the basis of all good healthis a balanced routine of proper diet, sleep, exercise, and relaxation, that high standards for personal cleanlinesswill prevent most disorders, and that carelessness, ignorance, superstition, and fear are yourworst enemies. if you remember these things, you will helpto attain the goal of the whole women's reserve and keep every woman at her post everyday. [the end. mn-1712-a. united states of americanavy department. bureau of aeronautics. mcmxliii.]

natural treatment for the disease impetigo disease Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Selfi Suswanto
