Tuesday, February 21, 2017

natural treatment for the skin disease fungal disease



alright this is john kohler with okraw.com.today, we have another exciting episode for your.. well, maybe not too exciting forme but maybe for you guys, i am gonna go ahead and talk some story and share with you guys. howme and my girlfriend got parasites! got a parasite "maybe it even more than one parasite"when we were in our trip to costa-rica. mehn!!! this was not my first trip to costa-rica havebeen there 2 to 3 other times and have never had an issue, have travelled all over theworld and never had any kind of parasite that have known of until now.so, it actually kinda sad, why we were in costa- rica. we went to 'punta mona' whichis an off the grid, tera culture retreat center that hosted the costa-ricaâ  friut festivaland that was for a full week and so that off

the grid living. i dont know if we got itthere, i can say for sure and can't say exactly where we got it from. but, i do know thati have checked with some other friends and people that have attended that event and knowbody has had any symptoms likeâ  me and my girlfriend has. that being said, after wewent to that event, we did go and stay at american style hotel and a bed in breakfastplace for one day. we went to farmer's market and then went to a raw food restaurant. andâ so,we eat food at the american style hotel which should have proper sanitation. and we dideat at a raw food restaurant which is the last episode which that is 'what it is' andis a raw food restaurant. so you know i could confidently say one off place that we ateat or had food from or were in contact with

some services had some parasite contaminationand consequently we got it, which really kinda sucks so the story goes is.â â â â â â â â  basically, on the flight back from costa-rica my girlfriend like whenwe were on the airplane she just like kinda in pain when we got off the airplane she'slike really like 100 over, like nerve seizure and so much pain like 100 over like walkinglike she's in super pain. she's like john this is part of the worse 10 days date i haveever had in my life. in a scale from zero out of ten this is like a nine. she couldlike bearly walk it like really terrible, we finally got her out and kim around witha car to pick her up took her home. she found out that when she stood up it was worse thanshe lie-down it felt better so that what happen

with her. and then like , i always kinda feelfine. i felt something kinda weird going on in my stomach i wasn't like i was in painor anything weird just kinda felt a little bit bloat of symptoms after i eat. and i guessmaybe like the next day that when it really hit me like. the next day, i had like a smallmeal maybe like no more than a pound of food which is like nothing because it all seatlike hunt down a couple of pound fruit or something like that, like just having a smallmeal which wasn't even getting me enough calories to survive or to eat all of a sudden my stomachwas just hurt all of a sudden. i'll bloat-out like really bad and i would have to lie-downbecause it like the pain was just really! really! terrible so once i lie down it kindahelp a little bit and then over-time the pain

kinda went away and then i was able to functionagain till i eat again and i really have to like not eat a whole water quantity stuffbefore i bloat up again and start feeling like stomach ache again of course i was alsohaving some bad gasâ and also stolling or some bad moment that were not normal thatmaybe like more watery then normal and ya! so this is not a good thing and i was like"what is wrong" what is wrong with us and stuff.then, i want online did some searches and bunch of different searches based on our symptoms,i figured we have this parasite called 'giardia', and so the only way i know giardiaâ  is likewhen i will sell like water filters, am like am having a good solid water filters waterborne illnesses you know fairly uncommon in

the united state, but maybe more common inundeveloped part of the world. you know! where they have faeces and streams and maybe theydont just have the level of cleanliness and hygiene that we have here in the states orother part of developed world. that being said, "even part of the developed world canget giardia you know especially with pets. pets are one of the major contamination vectors,but anyways enough of that. as soon as we figured we have giardia andthat will cause symptoms like we got maybe another parasites but am kinda sure it giardiano matter what the parasite is, you know when am doing ....the treatment will be similar,you know! i don't have any kind of medical insurance so i just can't go to the hospitaland say here is my insurance you know fix

me up doctor, you know the other thing is?i want you guys to remember that doctors are practising and i want that to be a disclaimerright now. am sharing with you guys what i did for this conditions, if you guys havethis conditions. i'll encourage you guys to go to your doctors,â  if you have a medicaldoctor. and to do you know! what they say, if that what you feel right, or you know ifyou want to take your health in your own hands which you know! i mean if i mix diagnose whati have and am not doing the right protocols it might not be good i may really end up gettingsicker or possibly lose my life. but that's the risk am willing to take right. so, butam being smart about it right so am noticing where am at.â â â â â â â â  am doing my protocol that

i will explain to you guys and noticing ifam getting better or worse and in general overall am feeling better than worse. andi will say also i do have a back-up plan which is some drugs which is a ....... which isa really powerful antibiotics which i do have in case it get really bad i will take that.my preference is not to take antibiotics. unless, is like you know! really badâ  andyou trying to do the natural treatment because as much as you think the doctors have allthe answers you know what they have in their arsenal majority of the time is drugs. andyou know drugs! you know on one hand they're good things right they could help heal youfrom certain conditions, on some other hands you gonna be on drugs for the rest of yourlife for your conditionsâ  because they will

really not gonna heal you they just gonnamask the symptoms. on the other hands, you know drugs!they're drugs "foreign chemical compound" that have an effect in your body, you know!it could be a positive effect in the case of killing bacteria and could be negativeeffect as in wiping out all your beneficial fluoride that you have worked so hard to makeor toxic effect that could cause toxicity of your liver or toxicity of many other organsno matter what drugs you taking. so, i always want you guys like i do. i carefullyweight out like if am gonna take a drug what are some natural alternatives, not that amall supplements things and live my life by taking a tonnes of supplement. but, i definitelywill agree that natural base supplements are

better than drugs and when i have a conditionam not just gonna sit here and oooh! just water fast john or juice fast to get rid ofthe drug. that maybe the case butâ  you know i want to give it that extra punch, and thisis what i choose to do once again in my life right you guys wanna water fast or juice fastdo whatever you wanna do i wish you guys the best of luck.am just sharing you guys what i choose to do in this case and it working. so, i guesswe back track for a second to my girlfriend and she's not exactly doing my protocol alright,we are two different people, two grown minds. we do a lot of things differently, we do somethings the same but if she's doing it a little bit differently than i am that is great. andits interesting to see like how she is progressing

and how i'm progressing. arise and shine,cleanse and that is how she's dealing with her parasite. she's going around as cleanserwhere she can seal and bend that shake for one and half hours. there's a herbal chopperand some herbal nutrition pills. pretty much the whole thing even drinking juice, eatingwhole foods like fruits and vegetables for the most part. and so when she's on the programits been a week now since the episode started for both of us. when she's on her programshe's fine and then she stopped dealing with cleanse becauseâ  she wasn't doing it perfectlyand she's like i'm gonna not do it, am gonna do it later and her pains everything cameback really bad, meanwhile she got back on the program and then she went away again.so, am thinking maybe you know....... keep

flushing the stuff out we can't get her strongfootholdâ  but you know although she's taking some herbs maybe helping to control the parasite,maybe it not really working that effectively. meanwhile, i got a follow on you know! "myopinion" am taking to follow on attack approach to the parasite. i got warn this parasite,i told them i gave a farewell to this parasites you guys need to leave my body because itwar. am taking you guys out if you guys dont leave, you could just go somewhere else andinfect someone or do whatever because am not going to the hospital environment for parasites.â â â â  sickeningly, i got a number of different product i am gonna show you guys. the first,of which is this one is called "the parasite free" by body force. power for knockout forall stages of parasites including egg, larva

and adults. and it says 'everyone as a parasitesalso good for bacterials, viruses fungi, cold and flu. preservatives free wild organic crafted.this came very highly recommended to me by my girlfriend, she actually had two bottlesso she gave me one. so, i'm grateful it not too bad you know, i take i think, i was takinglike 5pills like once a day and i progress to like 7pills maybe like twice a day maybelike morning and night. that is my parasite free herbs that kinda top things and i havelike few other things laying around to my order.â â  so, i already have this laying around the "ultimate model lauren" medium chain fattyacid extracted from coconut oil. so it lauric acid which is model lauren and it's like 95percent and this suppose to be antibacterial,

antiviral, anti all this other things. soam taking this maybe like once a day "2 little tea spoon" things in there. and that was workingpretty good and then i did more research and am like mehn!!! i am killing this suckers,what else could help me. then i looked it up and this is like a pretty good productit actually called "burberring' so it from burberry, so it will be good if i have a lotof burberry to eat them. but, then basically concentrate one of specific nutrient in burberriesinto this burberring which actually has some studies, scientific studies that show thisis effective with giardia,which is the perizone parasite that infect your small intestines.and, so consequently that is why you know we had gas, bloating and diarrhea.â â â â â  what's up!!! what we got on this

program now and start doing then. my bloatingpretty much subsided i was able to eat almost back to normal. i haveâ  tummy things thati kinda feel a little bit discomfort maybe like one, out of like scale of 1 and 10. ifeel something is not totally perfect with me but with most part am functioning normallynow, i have my standard energy and all this stuff once i got on this protocol. but, anywaythe burberring i take two 500mg capsules once a day. and, i dont take the capsule and actuallyopen the capsules and water it through my mouth, the stuff taste nasty! but if it workingmehn!!! i dont care. of cause another thing to fight back bacterialsand parasites is good bacterial which are your friendly bacterial. friendly bacterialmake up part of your immune systems this is

one of the many pro-biotic that am taking,i'm taking a wide varieties of different pro-biotic because certain probiotic based on researchthat i have seen having shown to be more effective or not against things like giardia. so, iorder some special pro-biotic specific for this instances some even more actually kindahard to find varieties, i even have to find babies probioticâ that had a special pro-bioticin there, that we should have in our gut but i want to increase the quantity of them inme to help get over this giardia. but, this one here is actually called the'essential formula' doctor probiotic. and this one have a life culture so i like thisone because this is one. is not just your white powder stuff is actually your real food.so they basically, get food from mountain

of japan they ferment it with this specialprobiotic culture and then basic put the food mixture into the capsules then you could take,it like food with probiotic living in there. and some very special shrimps and very powerful,like normally if i get any kinda digestive upset if am in a foreign country i take fourof these and you know it goes away. now, another thing that am taking aside from this guysis, i think it very important to take some digestive enzymes especially in a situationlike this right? differentâ  parasites and other things maybe living inside you wormsor whatever you know they're made of proteins. and digestive enzymes that have high proteinis an enzymes that digest protein maybe helpful with the situation.â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â  so this one

has 'protia1: 20000hut', 'protia2: 4000hut'and it has a lot of other different enzymes in there that may help digest cell walls anddigest different things in your intestinal tracts to help you keep clean and then runningwell. so, i dont know if i should recommend this particular brand but i do recommend anice strong enzymes. so have being upping the dosage of the enzymes that have beingtaking recently. once, again you know, i dont know which one of this product is totallyhelping 'am taking them all' because i don't care which one works am taking a differenttime in a day, am taking this in the morning, this in the mid-afternoon andâ  this our takelike around when parasites hunt , how take this at a different time, take this at a differenttime all throughout the day before meals.

now of course aside from allthis supplements that am taking right and also modifying the food that i am eating.i might not normally eat the food that am gonna show you guys in this higher quantitiesbut i am doing it now. because, i have a situation with the parasite and some food have shownto be parasites resistance. why are some fruit parasite resistance? because nature right,nature as a deals with parasites, bugs, diseases and insects and fruits or plant have learnthow to deal with this parasites or bugs or insects or bacterials throughout the millennialso they have special compounds in there that are anti-parasitic. i mean especially someof the herbs, that are in this parasite cleanse are that way.but there is some fruits that are not even

growing in my garden that maybe helpful asthis guys, this is just standard garlic right? have beenâ eatingâ copious amount of garlic.if you smell me lately you know,you smell like garlic emitting from pores when i wakeup. i could smell my hand i smell like garlic. so, i do garlic several times a day usuallyin the morning, in the night. in the morning i like to make this drink here, this is justmy home grown 'cucumbers juiced with garlics. so today i made like about 48ounces of juicewith a whole bunch of cubes with three nice size cloves if garlic in there it a prettystrong juice. like have been drinking this fry like last week and i just gave some tomy girlfriend everyday and she's just like mehn!!! this is like too strong. i was likemehn this is weak! i mean it kinda strong

i just drink it.i was like die parasites!!!, i'm one having one for her later tonight. that's how i getmy garlic in me on a day time and then at night i usually eat evening meal with moregarlic. so, one of my favorite one that have been doing is mashup avocado with some bunchof garlic maybe like six cloves in there,with some(.........)one of my favorite piece ofall time. and the other favorite have been doing lately, is i take whole bunch of ripetomatoes i put them in a bottom of a blender, i blend that up with maybe like some flacksor some walnuts or maybe some( ....) maybe like some handful worth and then i got thatliquid base going, then how add a whole bunch of red bell peppers, or ripe bell peppersin there and then how add like another 3-

4 cloves of garlic in there with some italianseasoning blend that up, and that will be like my evening dinner.and i got like another one, in the morning am getting my juiced garlic with (.....) andat night am getting more like italian you know like ' ehmm' (.......) tomatoes pepperyou know smoothie thing salad or whatever with more garlic. the other thing i will eatsometimes is some freeze fry blueberries i have seen some research showing that thereis certain compound that can be extracted from blueberry that maybe an effect againstgiardia. also, now in addition to all this supplementsand the food that am normally eating, am also eating high nutrient dent food because asidefrom trying to combat parasites with different

products and food that am eating. i also wantto ensure my body is still getting all required adequate nutrition incuding vitamins and minerals,including zinc, including vitamins b12, vitamins d, vitamins k2, including my essential fattyacids, because our bodies are complete systems. we require alot of nutrients to function frommissing certain nutrient, our body will not be utmost sustaining life properly and beenat the highest level having your immune systems running at the utmost peck efficiency becauseyou know in the end my immune systems is taking care of part of that parasites situation andif am unhealthy because am eating junk food diet my immune systems will not gonna be strong.by supporting my immune system with healthy diet including lot of green fruits, and thenfruits and vegetables as well as all this

different supplements that i am taking. youknow! i figured am gonna get over this parasites soon enough and it already being over a weekand am definitely majorly improved from how it was, am not back quite to normal yet thisthings happened and i just kinda! kinda! you know go with the flow. and just be happy thatam still alive that nothing worse as happened and you know am playing it smart too right!as much as am trying all this things and doing my dietary things, "if'' it get worse i willgo to doctor punch down i dint have much cash i need to punch down and get proper testingyou know to figure out what going on. the other thing that am more likely to do besidesjust going to the doctor is you know go out to get testing on my own four different kindaparasite to see what i have and then how find

natural treatment to treat it.once, again this is what i choose to do.once again you guys need to figure out what youguys gonna do on your own accord. once again you know my standard disclaimer, you havea medical condition please, go see a medical practitioner that can help you out. unless,"you want to take your life into your own hands" which is what am choosing to do andam doing this smart you know am not being stupid about it in my own opinion. that beingsaid, i'm gonna allow you guys to have your opinion about this people are going to comment!"john you should go see a doctor on all this stuff. you know! i mean, think about it! whatdid people do before they were doctors right? about 400years ago before they were doctors,we have all this natural herbal medicines

like worm walls and all this different thingsin here you know! (...............) green walls and black walls, native people and allthis peoples new all the different herbs and medicine to take from the forest to get betterto heal themselves but now we just rely in doctors.now, there is another way and that is the way am choosing to do. whether you choose,that's totally up to you. i better just make this video to show you guys what am doingand what appears to be working at this time. so, ya! that pretty much it for now, i'llencourage you guys, if you guys live or traveling 'you know,' in countries outside of the u.s.or outside developed nations. please, take extra hygiene precautions into your hands.try to be sure of all the food you eat, normally

when i go to foreign countries, like i donttry to eat like a lot of leafy green, i try to buy fruit that are all you know peel thati need to peel myself. and i try not to eat it at different restaurant, and think youdont know who didn't wash their hands or what happened i'm just try to minimise my risksby controlling more of the food i eat. make sure you wash the food properly very importantright, majority can happen because they didn't wash their hands right 'it very important',another thing that am doing am washing my hands even more prudently than i'll normallywould to make sure am not gonna re-infect me or anybody else you know that i come incontact with at this time. that's pretty much this episode, if you guysenjoyed this episode on "how i got giardia

from costa rica"and how am dealing with it"am gonna overcome it". please, give me a thumbs up. i wasn't sure if i wanna do thisvideo to share it that i got parasites. but you know what! here's the thing most peoplehave parasites and you may not know it. so, i mean! the really good thing to do is justget a parasites cleanse i dont think it can hurt you except hurt your pocket book by freezingup some cash. but the best cases is killing some parasites and you be healthy becauseof it, you know! those nothing at all except you lose some money. so, ya! most people haveparasite go for parasite cleanses, ya! you know what i mean?i like to have some of this product around just incase some of this things that i takeregularly such as the probiotic and enzymes

and even eat some garlic sometimes but notin higher doses when i have this particular situations because i truly believe some foodslike garlic are not just foods they're medicinal food, yea! you could use them for flavorsif you like it sometimes but i use it for medicinal properties instead if using it assimply just food and eating it all the time, but anyway that a whole lot of topic.anyway if you guys enjoyed it and want to hear more about this kinda stuff get updategive me a thumbs up. also, be sure to leave your nice comment down below: and what youwill do if you'd this situation? and if you have this situation before, and you had toprevent this situation from occuring in the future. we could all learn from each otherthat just the simple goal on my youtube channel.

is to share with you guys what am going through,what am learning in my life. so, maybe one of you guys going through a similar situationmay also benefit. i wish you could subscribe right down belowto be notified my new and upcoming episodes that are coming out 5 -7 days you never knowwhat kinda topic i will be discussing or what you be learning on my youtube channel.and finally, be sure to check my past episodes, i have over 400 episodes at this time showedyou guys all aspects on how to live a healthy plant base fruit and vegetables dominant dietthe best way possible so you get the healthiest thrive.once, again my name his john kohler with okraw.com. we see next time! until then remember keeping eatingyour fresh fruits

and vegetables they're always the best.

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